OAFlux 1° Analysis of 60+ Years

Update: 2023-February-16
- OAFlux global ocean evaporation, latent/sensible heat fluxes, and related surface meteorology are now extended to 2022-DEC-31. Please note that data format has been changed since 2016. Feel free to contact us (oaflux@whoi.edu) if there is any question.
- 2021-June-01: OAFlux global ocean evaporation, latent/sensible heat fluxes, and related surface meteorology have been updated to 2021-MAR-31.
Available products:
(1) 1° gridded daily-mean (1985 onward) and monthly-mean (1958 onward):
- latent heat flux (positive upward)
- sensible heat flux (positive upward)
- wind speed at 10m
- sea surface temperature
- air temperature at 2m
- air specific humidity at 2m
- error field estimates for all the six variables
(2) ISCCP radiation products interpolated onto OAFlux 1° grids:
- net surface shortwave radiation (positive downward)
- net surface longwave radiation (positive upward)
- The ISCCP datasets (7/1/1983-12/31/2009) are kindly provided by Dr. William B. Rossow for distribution along with the OAFlux products.
- The ISCCP datasets available here are on the OAFlux daily and 1-degree grid. The ISCCP original data products are gridded on 3-hourly, 2.5-degree resolution.
- Work is underway on developing surface shortwave and longwave radiation analysis that balances the OAFlux surface turbulent heat fluxes.
(3) Net heat flux (1-degree gridded daily- and monthly-mean (1985-2009)):
- net heat flux (positive downward, combined OAFlux and ISCCP)
- Yu, L., & Weller, R. A. (2007). Objectively Analyzed Air–Sea Heat Fluxes for the Global Ice-Free Oceans (1981–2005), Bull. Ameri.. Meteorol. Soc., 88(4), 527-540. https://journals.ametsoc.org/view/journals/bams/88/4/bams-88-4-527.xml
- Yu, L. (2007). Global Variations in Oceanic Evaporation (1958–2005): The Role of the Changing Wind Speed, J. Climate, 20(21), 5376-5390. https://journals.ametsoc.org/view/journals/clim/20/21/2007jcli1714.1.xml
- Yu, L. Jin, X., and Weller, R. A. (2008). Multidecade Global Flux Datasets from the Objectively Analyzed Air-sea Fluxes (OAFlux) Project: Latent and Sensible Heat Fluxes, Ocean Evaporation, and Related Surface Meteorological Variables. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, OAFlux Project Technical Report. OA-2008-01, 64pp. Woods Hole. Massachusetts. [PDF]