Ocean Vector and Wind Momentum Products
Project PI: Dr. Lisan Yu (Email: lyu@whoi.edu)
Data sets are 0.25-degree gridded, daily and monthly means from July 1987 onward:
- wind speed at 10m
- zonal wind at 10m (positive eastward
- meridional wind at 10m (positive northward)
- wind stress magnitude
- zonal wind stress (positive eastward)
- meridional wind stress (positive northward)
- wind stress curl (positive upward)
- convergence/divergence (positive upward)
- vorticity (positive upward)
The wind and momentum flux products on 1-degree grid are also made available to support the 1-degree global heat flux analysis. The 1-degree products are the 16-point averages of the 0.25-degree products.