Publications in Referred Journals
- Yu, L. Emerging Pattern of Wind Change over the Eurasian Marginal Seas Revealed by Three Decades of Satellite Ocean-Surface Wind Observations. Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 1707.
- Dorigo, W., Dietrich, S., Aires, F., Brocca, L., Carter, S., Cretaux, J., Dunkerley, D., Enomoto, H., Forsberg, R., Güntner, A., Hegglin, M. I., Hollmann, R., Hurst, D. F., Johannessen, J. A., Kummerow, C., Lee, T., Luojus, K., Looser, U., Miralles, D. G., Pellet, V., Recknagel, T., Ruz Vargas, C., Schneider, U., Schoeneich, P., Schröder, M., Tapper, N., Vuglinsky, V., Wagner, W., Yu, L., Zappa, L., Zemp, M., & Aich, V. (2021). Closing the water cycle from observations across scales: Where do we stand?, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society (published online ahead of print 2021).
- Phillips, H. E., Tandon, A., Furue, R., Hood, R., Ummenhofer, C., Benthuysen, J., Menezes, V., Hu, S., Webber, B., Sanchez-Franks, A., Cherian, D., Shroyer, E., Feng, M., Wijeskera, H., Chatterjee, A., Yu, L., Hermes, J., Murtugudde, R., Tozuka, T., Su, D., Singh, A., Centurioni, L., Prakash, S., and Wiggert, J., 2021: Progress in understanding of Indian Ocean circulation, variability, air-sea exchange and impacts on biogeochemistry, Ocean Sci. Discuss. [preprint],, in review.
- Yu, L., P. W. Stackhouse, R. A. Weller, and A. C. Wilber, 2020: Global Ocean Heat, Freshwater, and Momentum Fluxes in State of Climate in 2019, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 101 (8), S1–S8,
- Yu, L. 2020, A Note from the Editor. CLIVAR Exchanges Special Issue: The Recent Decadal Review (2020-2030) of the Indian Ocean Observing System (IndOOS-2) and its Outcomes. Exchanges 78, Published in February 2020.
- Lengaigne, M., H. Annamalai, T. Shinoda, and L. Yu, 2020: Monsoon and Regional Air-Sea Interaction. 20-31. CLIVAR Exchanges Special Issue: The Recent Decadal Review (2020-2030) of the Indian Ocean Observing System (IndOOS-2) and its Outcomes. Exchanges 78, Published in February 2020.
- Beal, L. M., Vialard, J., Roxy, M. K., Li, J., Andres, M., Annamalai, H., Feng, M., Han, W., Hood, R., Lee, T., Lengaigne, M., Lumpkin, R., Masumoto, Y., McPhaden, M. J., Ravichandran, M., Shinoda, T., Sloyan, B. M., Strutton, P. G., Subramanian, A. C., Tozuka, T., Ummenhofer, C. C., Unnikrishnan, A. S., Wiggert, J., Yu, L., Cheng, L., Desbruyères, D. G., & Parvathi, V. (2020). A Road Map to IndOOS-2: Better Observations of the Rapidly Warming Indian Ocean, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 101(11), E1891-E1913.
- Yu, L., Josey, S.A., Bingham, F.M. and Lee, T. (2020), Intensification of the global water cycle and evidence from ocean salinity: a synthesis review. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., 1472: 76-94.
- Liu, Y., Yu, L., & Chen, G. (2020). Characterization of sea surface temperature and air‐sea heat flux anomalies associated with mesoscale eddies in the South China Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 125, e2019JC015470.
- Gentemann, C. L., Scott, J. P., Mazzini, P. L. F., Pianca, C., Akella, S., Minnett, P. J., Cornillon, P., Fox-Kemper, B., Cetinić, I., Chin, T. M., Gomez-Valdes, J., Vazquez-Cuervo, J., Tsontos, V., Yu, L., Jenkins, R., De Halleux, S., Peacock, D., & Cohen, N. (2020). Saildrone: Adaptively Sampling the Marine Environment, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 101(6), E744-E762.
- Yu, L., 2019: Global Air–Sea Fluxes of Heat, Fresh Water, and Momentum: Energy Budget Closure and Unanswered Questions. Annu. Rev. Mar. Sci. 11(1), 227-248.
- Yu, L., 2019: Sea surface exchanges of momentum, heat, and freshwater determined by satellite remote sensing. In Cochran, J. Kirk; Bokuniewicz, J. Henry; Yager, L. Patricia (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences, 3rd Edition. vol. 1, pp. 15-23, Elsevier. ISBN: 978-0-12-813081-0.
- Yu, L., X. Jin, and E. W. Schulz, 2019: Surface Heat Budget in the Southern Ocean from 42°S to the Antarctic Marginal Ice Zone: Four Atmospheric Reanalyses versus Icebreaker Aurora Measurements. Polar Research. 38.
- Yu, L., X. Jin, S. Kato, N. G. Loeb, P. W. Stackhouse, R. A. Weller, and A. C. Wilber, 2019: Global Ocean Heat, Freshwater, and Momentum Fluxes [in “State of Climate in 2018”], Bull. Amer. Meter. Soc.. 100(9), S81-84, doi:10.1175/2019BAMSStateoftheClimate.1.
- Centurioni L. R., J. Turton, R. Lumpkin, L. Braasch, G. Brassington, Y. Chao, E. Charpentier, Z. Chen, G. Corlett, K. Dohan, C. Donlon, C. Gallage, V. Hormann, A. Ignatov, B. Ingleby, R. Jensen, B. A. Kelly-Gerreyn, I. M. Koszalka, X. Lin, E. Lindstrom, N. Maximenko, C. J. Merchant, P. Minnett, A. O’Carroll, T. Paluszkiewicz, P. Poli, P-M. Poulain, G. Reverdin, X. Sun, V. Swail, S. Thurston, L. Wu, L.Yu, B. Wang, D. Zhang, 2019: Global in situ Observations of Essential Climate and Ocean Variables at the Air–Sea Interface. Front. Mar. Sci., 30, 6:419, doi:10.3389/fmars.2019.00419.
- Cronin, M.F., C.L. Gentemann, J.B. Edson, I. Ueki, M. Bourassa, S. Brown, C.A. Clayson, C. Fairall, J.T. Farrar, S.T. Gille, S. Gulev, S. Josey, S. Kato, M. Katsumata, E.C. Kent, M. Krug, P.J. Minnett, R. Parfitt, R.T. Pinker, P.W. Stackhouse, S. Swart, H. Tomita, D. Vandemark, R.A. Weller, K. Yoneyama, L. Yu, and D. Zhang. Air-sea fluxes with a focus on heat and momentum. Front. Mar. Sci., 6:430. doi:10.3389/fmars.2019.00430.
- Foltz, G. R., P. Brandt, I. Richter, B. Rodríguez-Fonseca, F. Hernandez, M. Dengler, R. R. Rodrigues, J. O. Schmidt, L. Yu, N. Lefevre, L. Cotrim Da Cunha, M. J. McPhaden, M. Araujo, J. Karstensen, J. Hahn, M. Martín-Rey, C. M. Patricola, P. Poli, P. Zuidema, R. Hummels, R. C. Perez, V. Hatje, J. F. Lübbecke, I. Polo, R. Lumpkin, B. Bourlès, F. E. Asuquo, P. Lehodey, A. Conchon, P. Chang, P. Dandin, C. Schmidt, A. Sutton, H. Giordani, Y. Xue, S. Illig, T. Losada, S. A. Grodsky, F. Gasparin, T. Lee, E. Mohino, P. Nobre, R. Wanninkhof, N. Keenlyside, V. Garcon, E. Sánchez-Gómez, H. C. Nnamchi, M. Drévillon, A. Storto, E. Remy, A. Lazar, S. Speich, M. Goes, T. Dorrington, W. E. Johns, J. N. Moum, C. Robinson, C. Perruche, R. B. de Souza, A. T. Gaye, J. López-Parages, P.-A. Monerie, P. Castellanos, N. U. Benson, M. N. Hounkonnou, J. Trotte Duhá, R. Laxenaire, and N. Reul, 2019: The Tropical Atlantic Observing System. Front. Mar. Sci., 6:206. DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00206.
- Hermes, J. C., Y. Masumoto, L. M. Beal, M. K. Roxy, J. Vialard, M. Andres, H. Annamalai, S. Behera, N. D’Adamo, T. Doi, M. Feng, W. Han, N. Hardman-Mountford, H. Hendon, R. Hood, S. Kido, C. Lee, T. Lee, M. Lengaigne, J. Li, R. Lumpkin, K. N. Navaneeth, B. Milligan, M. J. McPhaden, M. Ravichandran, T. Shinoda, A. Singh, B. Sloyan, P. G. Strutton, A. C. Subramanian, S. Thurston, T. Tozuka, C. C. Ummenhofer, A. S. Unnikrishnan, R. Venkatesan, D. Wang, J. Wiggert, L. Yu, and W. Yu, 2019: A Sustained Ocean Observing System in the Indian Ocean for Climate Related Scientific Knowledge and Societal Needs. Front. Mar. Sci., 6:355, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00355
- Yu, L., and X. Jin, 2018: A regime-dependent retrieval algorithm for near-surface air temperature and specific humidity from multi-microwave sensors. Remote Sensing of Environment, 215, 199–216.
- Yu, L., X. Jin, S. Kato, N. G. Loeb, P. W. Stackhouse, R. A. Weller, and A. C. Wilber, 2018: Global Ocean Heat, Freshwater, and Momentum Fluxes [in “State of Climate in 2017”], Bull. Amer. Meter. Soc.. 99(8), S81-84, doi:10.1175/2018BAMSStateoftheClimate.1.
- Yu, L., X. Jin, S. A. Josey, T. Lee, A. Kumar, C. Wen, and X. Yan, 2017: The global ocean water cycle in atmospheric reanalysis, satellite, and ocean salinity. J. Climate, doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0479.
- Yu, L., X. Jin, S. Kato, N. G. Loeb, P W. Stackhouse, R. A. Weller, and A. C. Wilber, 2017: Global Ocean Heat, Freshwater, and Momentum Fluxes. In “State of the Climate in 2016”, Bull. Am. Meterol. Soc., 98 (8), S75–S79, doi:10.1175/2017BAMSStateoftheClimate.1.
- Yu, L., X. Jin, E. Schulz, and S. A. Josey, 2017: Air-sea interaction regimes in the sub-Antarctic southern ocean and Antarctic marginal ice zone revealed by icebreaker measurements. J. Geophys. Res. Oceans. 122, doi:10.1002/2016JC012281.
- Song, X., and L. Yu, 2017: Air-Sea Heat Flux Climatologies in the Mediterranean Sea: Surface Energy Balance and its Consistency with Ocean Heat Storage. Special issue on "Dense water formations in the North Western Mediterranean: from the physical forcings to the biogeochemical consequences”, J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 122, doi: 10.1002/2016JC012254.
- Wen, C., Y. Xue, A. Kumar, D. Behringer, and L. Yu, 2017: How do uncertainties in NCEP R2 and CFSR surface fluxes impact tropical ocean simulations? Clim. Dyn., doi:10.1007/s00382-016-3516-6.
- Evans, D. G., J. Toole, G. Forget, J. D. Zika, A. C. Naveira Garabato, A. J. G. Nurser, L. Yu, 2017: Recent wind-driven changes in the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 47, 633–647, doi: 10.1175/JPO-D-16-0089.1.
- Liang, X., and L. Yu, 2016. Variations of the global net air-sea heat flux during the “hiatus” period (2001-2010). Climate. 29, 3647–3660, doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-15-0626.1.
- Boutin, J., Chao, W.E. Asher, T. Delcroix, R. Drucker, K. Drushka, N. Kolodziejczyk, T. Lee, N. Reul, G. Reverdin, J. Schanze, A. Soloviev, L. Yu, J. Anderson, L. Brucker, E. Dinnat, A.S. Garcia, W.L. Jones, C. Maes, T. Meissner, W. Tang, N. Vinogradova, B. Ward. Satellite and In Situ Salinity: Understanding Near-surface Stratification and Sub-footprint Variability. Bull. America Meteor. Soc. 97, 1391–1407, doi: 10.1175/BAMS-D-15-00032.1.
- Yu, L., R. F. Adler, G. J. Huffman, X. Jin, S. Kato, N. G. Loeb, P. W. Stackhouse, R. A. Weller, and A. C. Wilber, 2016: Global Ocean Heat, Freshwater, and Momentum Fluxes. The State of Climate in 2015, Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 97(8), S74-S78.
- Jin, X., L. Yu, D. L. Jackson, and G. A. Wick, 2015. An Improved Near-Surface Specific Humidity and Air Temperature Climatology for the SSM/I Satellite Period. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 32, 412–433, doi:
- Yu, L., X. Jin, P. W. Stackhouse, A. C. Wilber, S. A. Josey, Y. Xue, and A. Kumar, 2015.. Ocean surface heat and momentum fluxes. In “State of the Climate in 2014”. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 96(7), S68-S71.
- Josey, S. A., J. Grist, D. Kieke, I. Yashayaev, and L. Yu, 2015. Extraordinary ocean cooling and new dense water formation in the North Atlantic. In “State of the Climate in 2014”. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 96(7), S67-S68.
- Yu, L., and X. Jin, 2014. Insights on the OAFlux ocean surface vector wind analysis merged from scatterometers and passive microwave radiometers (1987 onward). Geophys. Res. Oceans, 119, doi:10.1002/2013JC009648.
- Josey, S. A., L. Yu, S. Gulev, X. Jin, N. Tilinina, B. Barnier, and L. Brodeau, 2014. Unexpected impacts of the Tropical Pacific array on reanalysis surface meteorology and heat fluxes. Res. Lett., 41, 6213-6220, doi:10.1002/2014GL061302.
- Yu, L., X. Jin, P.W. Stackhouse Jr., Y. Xue, and A. Kumar, 2014. [Global Oceans] Ocean surface heat and momentum fluxes [in "State of the Climate in 2013"]. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 95(7), S57-S60.
- Kato, S., N. G. Loeb; F. G. Rose, D. R. Doelling, D. A. Rutan, T. E. Caldwell, Yu, R. A. Weller, 2013: Surface irradiances consistent with CERES-derived top-of-atmosphere shortwave and longwave irradiances. J. Climate, 26, 2719–2740, doi:
- Song, X., and L. Yu, 2013. How much net surface heat flux should go into the Western Pacific Warm Pool? Geophys. Res., Oceans, 118, 3569-3585, DOI: 10.1002/jgrc.20246.
- Jin, X., and L. Yu, 2013. Assessing high-resolution analysis of surface heat fluxes in the Gulf Stream region. Geophys. Res., Oceans, 118, 5353-5375, doi:10.1002/jgrc.20386.
- Yu, L., and X. Jin, 2012. Buoy perspective of a high-resolution global ocean vector wind analysis using passive radiometers and active scatterometers from 1987 to the present. Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, C11013, doi:10.1029/2012JC008069.
- Song, X., and L. Yu, 2012. High latitude contribution to global variability of sensible heat flux at the air-sea interface. Journal of Climate special collection on “CLIVAR/SeaFlux High Latitude Surface Fluxes”, 25, 3515-3531, DOI: 10.1175/JCLI-D-11-00028.1.
- Yu, L., P. W. Stackhouse, and R. A. Weller, 2012. Global ocean heat fluxes. In State of the climate in 2011. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 93(7), S65-S68.
- Yu, L., 2011. A global relationship between the ocean water cycle and near-surface salinity. Journal of Geophysical Research – Oceans, 116, C10025, 17 pages, doi:10.1029/2010JC006937.
- Nof, D., S. van Gorder, and L. Yu, 2011. Thoughts on a variable meridional overturning cell and a variable heat-flux to the atmosphere. Geophysical & Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 104, doi.10.1080/03091929.2010.481383.
- Yu, L., X. Jin, and R. Weller, 2011. Global Ocean heat fluxes [in “State of the Climate in 2010”], Amer. Meteor. Soc., 92(6), S1-S266.
- Yu, L., and M. J. McPhaden, 2011. Ocean pre-conditioning of Cyclone Nargis in the Bay of Bengal: Interaction between Rossby waves, surface fresh waters, and sea surface temperatures. Phys. Oceanogr., 41(9), 1741-1755, doi:10.1175/2011JPO4437.1.
- Yu, L., 2010. Sea surface exchanges of momentum, heat, and freshwater determined by satellite remote sensing. Elements of Physical Oceanography: A Derivative of the Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences. Thorpe (Ed). Academic Press, London, UK. 627 pp. 135-144.
- Schanze, J. J., R. W. Schmitt, and L. Yu, 2010. The global oceanic freshwater cycle: A best-estimate quantification. Mar. Res., 68, 569-595. DOI:
- Yu, L., 2009. Sea surface exchanges of momentum, heat, and freshwater determined by satellite remote sensing. In: Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences (Second Edition). Editor-in-Chief: John H. Steele, Karl K. Turekian, and Steve A. Thorpe. Elsevier LTD, 202-211, ISBN: 978-0-12-374473-9.
- McPhaden, M. J., G. Meyers, K. Ando, Y. Masumoto, V. S. N. Murty, M. Ravichandran, F. Syamsudin, J. Vialard, L. Yu, and W. Yu, 2009. RAMA: The research moored array for African-Asian-Australian monsoon analysis and prediction. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 459-480, DOI:10.1175/2008BAMS2608.1.
- Yu, L., and R. A. Weller, 2010. Global ocean heat fluxes. In State of the Climate in 2009. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 91(7), S59-S63.
- Bourles, B., R. Lumpkin, M. J. McFadden, F. Hernandez, P. Nobre, E. Campos, L. Yu, S. Planton, A. Busalacchi, A. D. Moura, J. Servain, and Trotte, 2008. The Pirata Program: history accomplishments, and future directions. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 89, 1111-1125.DOI:
- Levinson, D. H., J. H. Lawrimore, et al., 2008. State of the climate in 2007. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 89, S1-S179.
- Yu, L., R. A. Weller, 2007. Objectively analyzed air-sea heat fluxes for the global ice-free oceans (1981-2005). Amer. Meteor. Soc., 88(4), 527-539.DOI:
- Yu, L., 2007. Global variations in oceanic evaporation (1958-2005): The role of the changing wind speed. Journal of Climate, 20(21), 5376-5390. DOI:
- Yu, L., X. Jin, and R. A. Weller, 2007. Annual, seasonal, and interannual variability of air-sea heat fluxes in the Indian Ocean. Journal of Climate, 20(13), 3190-3209. DOI:
- Yu, L., and R. A. Weller, 2006. Oceanic heat fluxes in 2005. State of the Climate in 2005. A. Shein, Ed., Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 87(6), s24-25.
- Yu, L., X. Jin, and R. A. Weller, 2006. Role of net surface heat flux in the seasonal evolution of sea surface temperature in the Atlantic Ocean. Journal of Climate, 9, 6153-6169. DOI:
- Yu, L., R. A. Weller, and B. Sun, 2004. Improving latent and sensible heat flux estimates for the Atlantic Ocean (1988-1999) by a synthesis approach. Journal of Climate, 17(2), 373-393. DOI:<0373:ILASHF>2.0.CO;2
- Yu, L., R. A. Weller, and B. Sun, 2004. Mean and variability of the WHOI daily latent and sensible heat fluxes at in situ flux measurement sites in the Atlantic Ocean. Journal of Climate, 17(11), 2096-2118. DOI<2096:MAVOTW>2.0.CO;2
Highlighted publications
- OAFlux NASA MEaSUREs satellite-derived wind data records show that surface winds over the 10 marginal and enclosed seas along the Eurasian continent (including the Mediterranean Sea, the Black Sea, the Caspian Sea, the Red Sea, the Persian Gulf, the Arabian Sea, the Bay of Bengal, the South China Sea, the East China Sea, and the Sea of Japan) have rapidly strengthened in the 1990s but remained little changed or slightly weakened since 2000. Link to the study.
- OAFlux NASA MEaSUREs satellite-derived temperature data records show that, since the late 1980s, near-surface air temperatures have increased at a rate of 0.15 ± 0.03 °C per decade and sea surface temperatures at a similar rate of 0.14 ± 0.03 °C per decade. Both rates of increase are statistically significant at the 90% confidence interval. Link to the study.
Read more
- Lisan Yu provided a personal perspective on three challenging questions regarding the closure of ocean-surface energy and water budgets in an article entitled "Global Air–Sea Fluxes of Heat, Fresh Water, and Momentum: Energy Budget Closure and Unanswered Questions". Link to the study.
- The global air-sea fluxes of heat, moisture, and momentum in BAMS State of the Climate assessment report. Link to the report.
Technical Reports
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